Photograph Scanning
Never Lose Another Cherished Photo Again
Perhaps of all the ways there are to save memories, photographs are the best loved. We all have albums of photos, some dating back to our childhoods that we treasure.
But the older they are, the more likely they are to be a little worse for wear from time, general neglect and in some cases dampness.
The only way to be sure you have saved your past for the future is to have your photo collections digitally scanned. They then come truly portable, you can view them on all types of devices from your television , IPad and your phone. We can also create folders and name them separately so you can easily locate your scanned images.
Store them onto a portable hard drive and even upload them to a cloud based server for ultimate protection. Once lost, you can never get your photos back - and that can be heartbreaking.
What we do:
Prior to digitisation, all photos are blown free of dust to ensure the best quality reproduction.
Colour restoration filters are applied (if required)
The photos are scanned to a media of your choice - USB memory stick or portable hard drive or emailed via a secure download link.
Before & After Scanning
Our scanning machines at Convert It have a number of excellent digital enhancing effects to make your photographs look great again. The images on the left below have no effects applied to them, the ones on the right do. You can see colours are more natural.